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101-8 First-Year Writing Seminar

105-0 Expository Writing

105-8 First-Year Writing Seminar

106-2 Writing in Special Contexts

200-0 Literary Histories

202-0 Introduction to Creative Writing

205-0 Intermediate Composition

206-0 Reading & Writing Poetry

207-0 Reading and Writing Fiction

208-0 Reading & Writing Creative Non-Fiction

210-1 British Literary Traditions

215-0 Topics in Literature, Film, and Media

220-0 The Bible as Literature

275-0 Introduction to Asian American Literature

282-0 Writing and Speaking in Business

300-0 Seminar in Reading and Interpretation

305-0 Advanced Composition

306-0 Advanced Poetry Writing

310-0 Studies in Literary Genres

312-0 Studies in Drama

313-0 Studies in Fiction

331-0 Renaissance Poetry

339-0 Studies in Shakespeare

340-0 Studies in 18th-Century Literature

353-0 Studies in Romantic Literature

357-0 19th-Century British Fiction

365-0 Studies in Postcolonial Literature

366-0 Studies in African American Literature

368-0 Studies in 20th- and 21st-Century Literature

371-0 American Novel

375-0 Studies in Asian American Literature

381-0 Literature & Medicine

385-0 Studies in Literature and Culture

386-0 Studies in Literature and Film

393-3 Theory and Practice of Poetry

394-3 Theory & Practice of Fiction

395-3 Theory and Practice of Creative Nonfiction

397-0 Research Seminar for Literature Majors

441-0 Studies in 18th-Century Literature

461-0 Studies in Contemporary Literature

471-0 Studies in American Literature

481-0 Studies in Literary Theory & Criticism

490-0 Independent Reading

496-0 MFA Poetry Workshop

498-0 MFA Creative Nonfiction Workshop

570-0 Seminar in Teaching Composition

591-0 MFA Thesis Tutorial