Select a Subject
- BMD_ENG - Biomedical Engineering
- CHEM_ENG - Chemical Engineering
- CIV_ENV - Civil and Environmental Engineering
- COMP_ENG - Computer Engineering
- COMP_SCI - Computer Science
- CRDV - Career Development
- DATA_ENG - Data Science & Engineering
- DSGN - Segal Design Institute
- ELEC_ENG - Electrical Engineering
- EMDC - Executive Management for Design and Construction
- ENTREP - Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- ES_APPM - Engineering Science & Applied Math
- GEN_ENG - General Engineering
- IEMS - Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences
- INF_TECH - Information Technology
- ISEN - Institute for Sustainability & Energy at NU
- LDRSHP - Center for Leadership
- MAT_SCI - Materials Science & Engineering
- MBAI - Bus/Artificial Intelligence
- MBIOTECH - Masters in Biotechnology Program
- MECH_ENG - Mechanical Engineering
- MEM - Master of Engineering Management
- MLDS - Machine Learning & Data Science
- MSAI - Artificial Intelligence
- PRDV - Personal Development
- PROJ_MGT - Project Management
- PSED - Predictive Science and Engineering