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151-0 Class Voice for Music Theatre

160-1 Introduction to Theatrical Performance

160-3 Introduction to Theatrical Design and Management

170-0 Voice for Performance

211-0 Fundamentals of Stage Directing

221-2 Design Process: Costume

221-3 Design Process: Lighting

231-0 Theatre for Young Audiences

251-1 Intermediate Voice I

252-0 Intermediate MT Techniques

253-0 Music Theatre History

255-0 Creating the Musical

256-0 Musicianship for Actors

273-1 Acting I

281-0 Intro to Playwriting

292-0 Introduction to Stage Management

310-0 Special Topics in Directing

320-0 Special Topics in Theatre Design

324-0 Scene Painting

326-1 Drawing and Painting for the Theatre: Freehand Drawing

327-0 Textile Arts and Crafts

329-0 Computer Graphics for the Theatre Artist

332-1 The Art of Storytelling

340-0 Special Topics in Advanced Theatre Studies

341-0 Theatre and Social Change

350-0 Special Topics in Musical Theatre

351-1 Advanced Voice I

351-4 Advanced Voice IV

352-1 Advanced Music Theatre Techniques I

354-0 Musical Theatre Repertoire

373-1 Acting II: Analysis and Performance

374-0 Dialects for the Stage

375-0 Advanced Acting Topics

376-0 Intro to Acting for the Screen

377-0 Topics in Acting for the Screen

382-0 Playwriting Genres

383-1 Advanced Playwriting Sequence

390-0 Special Topics in Management

395-0 Theatre Practicum

420-1 Collaboration: American Realism

442-0 Theatre Practice

451-1 Seminar in Advanced Directing

462-2 Advanced Studies in Lighting Design

463-2 Advanced Studies in Scenic Design

464-2 Advanced Studies in Costume Design

470-0 Topics in Acting

471-4 Movement 4: Physical Theatre and New Work

473-0 Speech

  • 1: Speech - Sandra Marquez - Tues, Thurs 10:00AM - 12:00PM

474-2 Applied Music Theatre Voice II

478-2 Advanced Acting 5: Acting for the Camera