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Collaboration: American Realism (420-1-20)


Text and Analysis


Mark H.

Alaina Marie Moore

Meeting Info

Wirtz 220 Wet Design Studio: Mon 12:00PM - 2:50PM

Overview of class

In this course, students will examine the process of analyzing a theatrical text with an eye toward the development of a personalized process useful to specialized work in production. Students will activate their analysis by uncovering how individual analysis guides research and pre-production collaboration. Students will engage with several key techniques vital to analyzing and organizing a script in preparation for theatrical production: formalist analysis, contemplative and intuitive analysis, action analysis, Brechtian fable writing, physical dramaturgy, and analysis aimed at organizing responses to non-linear and postmodern scripts. Students will also develop ways of collaboration and communication within creative teams as an initial step in the journey within a cohort of creative theater artists.

Class Materials (Required)

All available on-line barring a single theatrical text of the student's choosing.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Registration in this course is reserved for students in the Theatre Department MFA Directing or Design Programs. Other students may register with instructor consent and a permission number.
Add Consent: Instructor Consent Required