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201-0 Introduction to Programming for Data Science

202-0 Introduction to Statistics and Data Science

202-SG Peer-Guided Study Group: Introduction to Statistics and Data Science

210-0 Introduction to Probability and Statistics

210-SG Peer-Guided Study Group: Introduction to Probability and Statistics

228-0 Series and Multiple Integrals

301-3 Data Science 3 with R

302-0 Data Visualization

303-3 Data Science 3 with Python

320-2 Statistical Theory & Methods 2

320-3 Statistical Theory & Methods 3

332-0 Statistics for Life Sciences

351-0 Design and Analysis of Experiments

352-0 Nonparametric Statistical Methods

362-0 Advanced Machine Learning for Data Science

390-0 Data Science Project

415-0 Introduction to Machine Learning

420-3 Introduction to Statistical Theory & Methodology-3

440-0 Applied Stochastic Processes for Statistics

461-0 Advanced Topics in Statistics

465-0 Statistical Methods for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology