Data Science Project (390-0-20)
Lizhen Shi
Meeting Info
Parkes Hall 223: Fri 10:00AM - 12:50PM
Overview of class
This course provides students with an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills in data science to some real industrial projects. In addition, they are expected to learn many new skills including using enterprise grade data processing and full-stack pipelines, new thinking on product design and development, effective communication skills with key stakeholders, writing quality code and good documentation. Students should expect to spend significant amounts of time coordinating and working with teammates outside of class.
Registration Requirements
STAT 301-3 or STAT 303-3 or consent of instructor
Learning Objectives
The outcome of this project should give you a data product to show off to potential employers or educational programs, a strong indicator of your expertise in the field of data science.
Students will be able to learn the essential method for data processing and data cleaning.
Students will learn to conduct teamwork closely.
Students will be able to describe how modern machine learning methods can be used for prediction and feature extraction in regression models and apply these methods to real data.
Students will be able to communicate with industrial stakeholders about every aspect of their analysis.
Students will be able to carefully document their analysis result.
Teaching Method
The students will be formed as small teams. Each team is expected to meet with the instructor review progress and complete a Meeting Notes page at each class.
Evaluation Method
A student in this class will be evaluated based on the performance of each project team.
Class Materials (Required)
No required textbook.
Class Materials (Suggested)
In-class lecture notes will be provided