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Design and Analysis of Experiments (351-0-20)


Hongmei Jiang
2006 Sheridan, Room 101A

Meeting Info

2122 Sheridan Rd Classroom 250: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

This is an applied design and analysis of experiments course. We will discuss how to analyze a variety of experiments: one-way and two-way layouts, incomplete block designs, factorial designs, random effects, split-plot and nested designs.

Registration Requirements

Basic probability and statistics courses (e.g., Stat 320-2)

Learning Objectives

By the end of the class students are expected to (1) formulate statistical questions for a real life problem; (2) plan and design an appropriate experiment to test the hypothesis, (3) choose the appropriate statistical methods for data analysis and justify the choice; (4) perform data analysis using SAS programming; (5) describe and present the data analysis results.

Teaching Method

Lecture, 2 one hour and twenty minute meetings per week

Evaluation Method

Homework will be assigned weekly or biweekly (about 7 assignments) One midterm exam (calculator allowed, open-book and open-notes, in class) and one take-home final exam/project.

Class Materials (Required)

Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery (8th Edition, 2013), ISBN-13: 978-1118146927. Amazon price as on Jan. 19, 2023 is $63.00 - $67.00 for paperback and $130 - $264 for hardcover.

Class Materials (Suggested)

Lecture notes and SAS codes will be posted on canvas.

Class Notes

Computing: Statistical Software, SAS will be used to demonstrate the methodologies. Template SAS programs will be posted on the course web page.

Class Attributes

Formal Studies Distro Area