Introduction to Probability and Statistics (210-0-20)
Maxim Igorevich Sinitsyn
Meeting Info
Harris Hall 107: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
We will cover descriptive statistics, probability, random variables, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and significance tests.
Registration Requirements
Strong background in high school algebra (calculus is not required). May not receive credit for both STAT 202-0 and STAT 210-0.
Teaching Method
Evaluation Method
Two midterm exams and a final exam
Class Materials (Required)
Statistics for Business and Economics: Second custom edition for Northwestern University; ISBN: 978-1-256-86179-9
Class Attributes
Formal Studies Distro Area
Associated Classes
DIS - Kresge Centennial Hall 2-425: Tues 5:00PM - 5:50PM
DIS - Parkes Hall 214: Thurs 4:00PM - 4:50PM
DIS - Lunt Hall 105: Tues 5:00PM - 5:50PM
DIS - Locy Hall 214: Thurs 4:00PM - 4:50PM
DIS - Lunt Hall 107: Tues 5:00PM - 5:50PM
DIS - Frances Searle Building 2370: Thurs 4:00PM - 4:50PM