Special Topics in Social Policy (351-0-20)
Impacts of Education Policy on
Jen Braden Munson
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall 345: Mon, Wed 12:30PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
This SOC POL 351 Special Topics in Social Policy course explores how federal and state-level education policy impacts educators and their daily work in schools. To do so, we examine the cases of two distinct policy movements: the accountability movement which led to the enactment of the federal No Child Left Behind (2001) law and the standards movement which led to state-level implementation of various teaching and learning standards, including the Common Core State Standards (2010) and the Next Generation Science Standards (2013). While these policies originated in different levels of government, were created by different actors, and had different goals, they interacted in school and district settings to impact teaching and teachers. We will assess these impacts through two primary methods, reading published research and conducting oral history interviews with classroom teachers, and put these forms of evidence in conversation.