Mapping and Spatial Analysis for Social Issues (347-0-20)
David H Uttal
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall G02: Mon, Wed 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
Problems of diversity, equity, inclusion, and access often involve the distribution of resources. For example, access to fresh food is often limited in some urban areas, as is access to health care. Understanding and redressing these issues therefore often requires the use of maps and mapping technologies. In this course, we will explore the use of spatial analysis to address problems and opportunities of diversity and inclusion. Students will learn to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to create maps to understand and analyze these issues, and to suggest solutions. Gaining familiarity with GIS therefore will be one of the major outcomes of the course. A focus of the program will be researching and completing a final project that identifies, analyzes and proposes solutions to an issue of interest to student groups.