Quadrotor Design and Control (410-0-1)
Michael Rubenstein
Technological Institute, Rm A294, 2145 Sheridan Rd, EV CAMPUS
Meeting Info
Garage Workspace Classroom 1: Thurs 12:30PM - 3:20PM
Overview of class
Centered around a project where teams (1 to 2 students per team) create and program a visually-guided autonomous quadrotor robot, this class focuses on advanced embedded control of an electromechanical system. Topics include mechanical/electrical assembly, programming interfaces between an embedded computer (such as a Raspberry PI running Linux) and external sensors/actuators (such as an IMU, camera, or motor controllers), programming and tuning a timing-critical control loop for stable flight, using pre-existing computer vision software for tracking optical targets, and creating a software stack that interacts with low-level code to create a desired high level behavior.
Registration Requirements
ME 333 or equivalent experience in mechatronics