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Computational Failure Analysis (328-0-1)


Mark Fleming
Technological Institute, Rm L497, 2145 Sheridan Rd, EV CAMPUS

Meeting Info

Frances Searle Building 2107: Tues, Thurs 3:30PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class


The scope of this course is to provide insight and knowledge into the use of computational methods for forensic and failure analysis. This study will range from accident investigation to the use of finite element methods to determine a root cause of failure.

Introduction and review of the finite element method
Product design and product liability
Accident investigation, data gathering and hypothesis development
Fractography and fractured components
Intro to computational fracture mechanics
Finite element analysis and forensic analysis
Interfacing and problem solving with other disciplines
Engineering and professional ethics

Registration Requirements

Seniors and graduate students in the Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, and Material Science departments, along with students in the MSME
Simulation-Driven Engineering (SDE) program.

Learning Objectives

This course will provide insight and knowledge into the application of computer simulationmethods for forensic and failure analysis problems. Students will learn how to:
• Use engineering analysis to assess physical evidence, such as deformed structures and fracture surfaces
• How to use finite element analysis, combined with the analysis of physicalevidence and the application of fundamental engineering mechanics principles, as part of a failure analysis.
• Learn to present results decisively and effectively

This scope of this course will cover the use of the scientific method for accident
investigation, hypothesis development, and the use of the finite element method to analyze
the root cause of a failure. Practical application problems for both civil and mechanical
structures will be analyzed using commercial finite element codes (Abaqus, Hypermesh,

Class Materials (Suggested)


1. Wulpi, D.J., Understanding How Components Fail, ASM 1985, ISBN 978-0871701893 .
2. Jacob Fish and Ted Belytschko, A First Course in Finite Elements, 2007, ISBN 978-0470035801 .
3. John Barsom and Stanley Rolfe, Fatigue and Fracture Control in Structures, 1987, ISBN 978-0803120822 .
4. ASM Handbook Vol 19, Fatigue and Fracture. ISBN 978-0871703859 .

Lecture notes, handouts, computer codes and references to book chapters and articles
for additional reading will be provided.