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Stress Analysis (362-0-20)


Sridhar Krishnaswamy
Catalysis Bldg, Rm 323, 2137 Tech Drive, EV CAMPUS

Meeting Info

Technological Institute M177: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

Theory of elasticity: elastic stability, principal of minimum potential energy, Rayleigh-Ritz methods. Introduction to finite element methods of stress analysis: computer implementation and use of commercial codes. Structural analysis of rods, beams, columns, and plates. Students interested in gaining a deeper appreciation of the mechanics of deformable solids than provided in the introductory Mechanics of Materials (CIV_ENV 216) course are welcome to take this course. Typically students in mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering (biomechanics specialization) take this course in their junior or senior years.

Registration Requirements


Learning Objectives

ME 362 provides a fundamental understanding of the mechanics of deformable solids. Starting with the basic concepts of stress and strain, the course walks you through several ways of analyzing structural systems: "exact" methods using the framework of the theory of elasticity; approximate methods using energy principles; and computational methods using finite element techniques.

Class Attributes

Department Majors Only