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Intro to Mechanical Design and Manufactrng (240-0-21)


Jeremy Keys
Technological Institute, Rm L494, 2145 Sheridan Rd, EV CAMPUS

Tao Sun
Technological Institute, Rm L288, 2145 Sheridan Rd, EV CAMPUS

Meeting Info

Tech Institute Lecture Room 4: Mon, Wed, Fri 2:00PM - 2:50PM

Overview of class

Catalog Description:
Introduction to strategy and methods of designing, manufacturing, and testing of mechanical products. Material properties and selection methodology, engineering drawing and CAD, and simple manufacturing processes.
Course Description:
Introduction to methods and strategies for designing, manufacturing and testing of mechanical products. Topics include methodologies for material selection, engineering drawing, introduction to CAD, as well as an overview of simple manufacturing processes. For many students, mechanical engineering design is one of their first professional engineering courses - as distinguished from background courses in science and mathematics. Professional engineering is concerned with obtaining solutions to practical problems.

Registration Requirements

MAT_SCI 201 and concurrent registration in CIV_ENG 216

Class Materials (Required)

Course Packet available for about $20 @ Quartet Digital Printing, 825 Clark Street, (847) 328-0720,

Class Notes

Registration for a lab section is required. Lab meets first 5 weeks of the quarter.