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NUvention: Arts and Entertainment (476-0-1)


Jeffrey D Smith

John Sirban Greene

Meeting Info

Ford ITW Auditorium 1350: Tues 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

NUvention: Arts and Entertainment brings together students from across Northwestern schools to work in interdisciplinary teams on the creation of new ventures in the arts and entertainment space. No specific genre, form, or medium will be emphasized; students are encouraged to explore ideas in a wide range of areas, including music, theater, television and the visual arts. They will learn a process of innovation and venture development that can be applied in multiple contexts. Students will be challenged to think about the role of technology in shaping the future of the arts and entertainment industries, and will interact with industry veterans who may provide feedback on their projects.

Registration Requirements

This course requires an application. Applications for the Spring 2025 section of ENTREP 476: Nuvention Arts and Entertainment are open. The deadline to apply for this class is February 16th, 2025, any applications recieved after this point will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Questions can be directed to

Class Materials (Required)

The Startup Owners Manual 1st Edition by Steve Blank and Bob Dorf
ISBN 978-1119690689

Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation 1st Edition by David Bland
ISBN 978-1119551447

HBS Case Study: 9-524-071 Ava DuVernay's Array: Disrupting the Hollywood Film Industry by Anita Elberse and Morgan Brewton-Johnson