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Private Equity (633R-1)


Jonathan A Dhanawade

Meeting Info

McCormick 371: Mon 6:30PM - 8:20PM

Overview of class

This course will provide an in-depth examination of how purchase agreements (stock/equity purchase agreements, asset purchase agreements and merger agreements) in private equity transactions are customarily structured and negotiated.

This course is designed with the singular goal of familiarizing students with key drafting considerations and negotiation points that they will be required to understand if they pursue a career in the private equity industry.

Learning Objectives

Students will learn how to identify and approach key drafting considerations and negotiation points that lawyers working in the private equity industry should (and after joining a law firm, will be required to) understand.

Evaluation Method

• Attendance (20%),
• In-class participation (20%)
• Take-home drafting exercises (25%)
• Final in-class negotiation (35%).

Class Materials (Required)

Corporate Acquisitions and Mergers - Fox and Fox
Mergers, Acquisitions, and Buyouts - Ginsburg, Levin, and Rocap

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: MSL Students are not eligible to enroll