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596 Financial Institution Compliance

599 Internal Corporate Investigations

601S Business Associations

609 Corporate Governance

613 International Business Transactions

620 Securities Regulation

630 Labor Law

631 Entrepreneurship Law

633I Structuring Transactions: Real Estate

633M Structuring Transactions: Mergers and Acquisitions

633R Private Equity

637 Media and Entertainment Law

638 Mergers and Acquisitions

640 Finance I

660 Commercial Law: Secured Transactions

661 Securitization Law

663 International Securities Law

684 Tax Policy

690 Basic Federal Income Taxation

706 International Investment

724 Partnership Tax (JD/Gen.LLM)

726 Advanced Bankruptcy

727 International Bankruptcy

736 Advanced Commercial Contracts for Entrepreneurs and Start-Ups

844 M&A and Shareholder Litigation

901-0 Business Formation & Structure

903-0 Project Management for Regulated Industries

904-0 Contract Drafting

906-0 Contract Law

  • 1ON: Contract Law - Jeffrey Carter-Johnson - Thurs 7:00PM - 9:00PM - Thurs 7:00PM - 9:00PM - Thurs 7:00PM - 9:00PM - Thurs 7:00PM - 9:00PM - Thurs 7:00PM - 9:00PM

911-0 Applied AI in HealthTech

913-0 Global Product Development

915-0 Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital

925-0 Employment Law

940-0 Entrepreneurship Lab: Part II

945-0 Business Combinations

952-0 Strategic Decision Analysis: Gaining Competitive Advantage in an Uncertain World

958-0 Introduction to Marketing Analytics

975-0 Introduction to Accounting and Financial Statements

980-0 Cases in New Venture Strategies

982-0 Public Persuasion Skills and Strategies

992-0 Business Torts