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Approaches to History (393-0-36)


Soviet History Through Film


Jeff Eden

Meeting Info

University Hall 312: Tues, Thurs 3:30PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

The story of Soviet cinema is one of the most remarkable artistic "underdog" tales of modern times: in a country where freedom of expression was severely curtailed, Soviet filmmakers found ways to craft some of the greatest films ever made. This class takes students on a cinematic journey across the full spectrum of classic Soviet genres, including the Bolshevik avant-garde weirdness of the 1920s, the Stalinist kitsch of the 40s, the brooding realism of the 60s, the charming rom-coms of the 70s, and the subversive coming-of-age hipster classics of the USSR's final years. This class does not presume any background in Soviet history, and it offers a concise historical overview as an accompaniment to the wonderful movies on display.

Learning Objectives

• Evaluate textual arguments for their usefulness, cohesiveness, and logic.
• Identify and access relevant information sources.
• Use effective oral expression strategies in making a formal presentation.
• Demonstrate effective written communication with use of revision.
• Participate responsibly and respectfully in informal group discussions.

Evaluation Method

Short response papers, presentations, discussion, attendance

Class Notes

Concentration: European, Asia/Middle East

Class Attributes

Historical Studies Distro Area