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New Lectures in History (300-0-40)


Khans, Communists, and Oligarchs


Jeff Eden

Meeting Info

University Hall 101: Mon, Wed 3:30PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

The Graveyard of Empires. The Crossroads of the World. The Pivot of History. For all its grand nicknames, Central Asia remains a region little-studied in the West. This course endeavors to separate fact from fantasy while providing an introduction to the history of Central Asia from the eighteenth century to the present day. Spanning the region from Afghanistan to southern Siberia and from western China to the Caspian Sea, the class explores how this diverse region was impacted by cross-cultural contacts, the advance of empires, and the fall of the USSR.

Learning Objectives

• Evaluate textual arguments for their usefulness, cohesiveness, and logic.
• Identify and access relevant information sources.
• Use effective oral expression strategies in making a formal presentation.
• Demonstrate effective written communication with use of revision.
• Participate responsibly and respectfully in informal group discussions.

Evaluation Method

Short response papers, final essay (3k-4k words), participation, attendance, class presentation

Class Notes

Concentration: European, Asia/Middle East

Class Attributes

Historical Studies Foundational Discipline
Historical Studies Distro Area