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The Brady Scholars Program: The Moral Life (273-2-20)


Kyla Ebels-Duggan
Kresge 3-437

Meeting Info

Kresge Centennial Hall 2-440: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

What does morality require of us? Does acting morally amount to consistently bringing about the best consequences that we can? Or are there other important considerations that we should take into account when thinking about how to act well? When we are trying to figure out how to act, what questions should we be asking ourselves? Drawing on both classic and contemporary readings in philosophy, as well as our own experiences, we will ask what it means to live a moral life in different spheres and situations. Do we have, or can we justify, special obligations to our friends and family? Do our professional and other roles shape what we have reason to do? How do we understand our obligations towards strangers? Is there some unified way to understand the reasons that should guide us in all of these spheres, or do they operate independently?

Learning Objectives

1. State the basic contours of consequentialism.
2. Explain and evaluate a range of potential problems for consequentialist views.
3. Understand some moral questions associated with beneficence, interpersonal relationships, promises, and non-ideal theory and possible answers to these questions.
4. Discuss moral issues charitably, respectfully and productively.
5. Write a clear and well-argued short philosophical paper.

Evaluation Method

Two papers and a take-home final exam, as well as participation in class discussion.

Class Materials (Required)

Selected articles, to be posted on the course web site. No books to purchase.

Class Attributes

Ethical and Evaluative Thinking Foundational Disci
Ethics & Values Distro Area

Associated Classes

DIS - Kresge Centennial Hall 3-410: Thurs 3:30PM - 4:20PM