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- 2023 Fall
- Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
- Philosophy
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101-7 College Seminar
- 20: Philosophy of Sex, Gender, & Sexuality - College Seminar - Chad Horne - Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM
- 21: What is Democracy? - College Seminar - Axel Mueller - Mon, Wed 3:30PM - 4:50PM
- 22: The Digital Self: Freedom, Truth, & Well-being - College Seminar - Peter van Elswyk - Mon, Wed 2:00PM - 3:20PM
110-0 Introduction to Philosophy
- 20: Introduction to Philosophy - Sanford Goldberg - Mon, Wed 9:30AM - 10:50AM
150-0 Elementary Logic I
- 20: Elementary Logic I - Peter van Elswyk - Mon, Wed, Fri 11:00AM - 11:50AM
210-1 History of Philosophy - Ancient
- 20: History of Philosophy - Ancient - Claudia Yau - Mon, Wed 2:00PM - 3:20PM
224-0 Philosophy, Race, and Racism
- 20: Philosophy, Race, and Racism - Jose Medina - Mon, Wed 3:30PM - 4:50PM
254-0 Introduction to Philosophy of the Natural Sciences
- 20: Introduction to Philosophy of the Natural Sciences - Axel Mueller - Mon, Wed 9:30AM - 10:50AM
260-0 Introduction to Moral Philosophy
- 20: Introduction to Moral Philosophy - Pascal Brixel - Tues, Thurs 3:30PM - 4:50PM
269-0 Bioethics
- 20: Bioethics - Chad Horne - Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM
273-2 The Brady Scholars Program: The Moral Life
- 20: The Brady Scholars Program: The Moral Life - Kyla Ebels-Duggan - Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM
361-0 Topics in Social and Political Philosophy
- 20: Freedom and Autonomy - Topics in Social and Political Philosophy - Rowan Mellor - Tues, Thurs 3:30PM - 4:50PM
- 21: Topics in Social and Political Philosophy - Rowan Mellor - Tues, Thurs 3:30PM - 4:50PM
373-1 The Brady Scholars Program: The Civically Engaged Life
- 20: The Good Work - The Brady Scholars Program: The Civically Engaged Life - Kyla Ebels-Duggan - TBA
380-0 Philosophy of Art
- 20: Beauty, Imitation, and Sympathy: The Moral Signifi - Philosophy of Art - Rachel Zuckert - Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:50PM
- 21: Philosophy of Art - Rachel Zuckert - Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:50PM
390-0 Special Topics In Philosophy
- 20: Philosophy of Education as Political Philosophy - Special Topics In Philosophy - Libby Southgate - Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM
- 21: Special Topics In Philosophy - Libby Southgate - Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM
398-1 Senior Tutorial
- 20: Senior Tutorial - Mark Alznauer - TBA
- 21: Senior Tutorial - Penelope Deutscher - TBA
- 22: Senior Tutorial - Kyla Ebels-Duggan - TBA
- 23: Senior Tutorial - Sean Ebels Duggan - TBA
- 24: Senior Tutorial - Sanford Goldberg - TBA
- 25: Senior Tutorial - Chad Horne - TBA
- 26: Senior Tutorial - Megan Hyska - TBA
- 27: Senior Tutorial - Richard Kraut - TBA
- 28: Senior Tutorial - Jennifer Lackey - TBA
- 29: Senior Tutorial - Cristina Lafont - TBA
- 30: Senior Tutorial - Corey Barnes - TBA
- 31: Senior Tutorial - TBA
- 32: Senior Tutorial - Jose Medina - TBA
- 33: Senior Tutorial - Axel Mueller - TBA
- 34: Senior Tutorial - Baron Reed - TBA
- 35: Senior Tutorial - Gregory Ward - TBA
- 36: Senior Tutorial - Rachel Zuckert - TBA
- 37: Senior Tutorial - Peter van Elswyk - TBA
- 38: Senior Tutorial
398-2 Senior Tutorial
- 20: Senior Tutorial - Mark Alznauer - TBA
- 21: Senior Tutorial - Penelope Deutscher - TBA
- 22: Senior Tutorial - Kyla Ebels-Duggan - TBA
- 23: Senior Tutorial - Sean Ebels Duggan - TBA
- 24: Senior Tutorial - Sanford Goldberg - TBA
- 25: Senior Tutorial - Chad Horne - TBA
- 26: Senior Tutorial - Megan Hyska - TBA
- 27: Senior Tutorial - Richard Kraut - TBA
- 28: Senior Tutorial - Jennifer Lackey - TBA
- 29: Senior Tutorial - Cristina Lafont - TBA
- 30: Senior Tutorial - Peter van Elswyk - TBA
- 31: Senior Tutorial - Jose Medina - TBA
- 32: Senior Tutorial - Axel Mueller - TBA
- 33: Senior Tutorial - Baron Reed - TBA
- 34: Senior Tutorial - Gregory Ward - TBA
- 35: Senior Tutorial - Rachel Zuckert - TBA
- 36: Senior Tutorial - Corey Barnes - TBA
401-1 Proseminar (1St-Yr Philosophy Grad Students Only)
- 20: Proseminar (1St-Yr Philosophy Grad Students Only) - Rachel Zuckert - Thurs 3:00PM - 5:50PM
402-1 Proseminar II
- 20: Proseminar II - Sanford Goldberg - Mon 2:00PM - 4:50PM
410-0 Seminar: Special Topics in Philosophy
- 20: Seminar: Special Topics in Philosophy - Christoph Menke - Tues 5:15PM - 7:45PM
414-0 Seminar in German Philosophy
- 20: Seminar in German Philosophy - Pascal Brixel - Wed 12:00PM - 2:50PM
420-0 Studies in Ancient Philosophy
- 20: Plato on Political Expertise - Studies in Ancient Philosophy - Claudia Yau - Tues 2:00PM - 4:50PM
460-0 Seminar in Ethical Theory
- 20: Seminar in Ethical Theory - Kyla Ebels-Duggan - Wed 3:00PM - 5:50PM