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Healthcare Policy Seminar (670-1)


Ye Yuan

Meeting Info

McCormick 375 - Smith Hall: Mon 8:55AM - 10:45AM

Overview of class

Important healthcare policy questions include: how physicians make decisions? Whether financial incentives affect physicians' decisions to treat patients? Do physicians' race and gender affect patients' health outcomes? How important is health insurance in improving people's health? Does health insurance have impacts on peoples' involvement of criminal activities? Does a cap on damages in medical malpractice lawsuits reduce healthcare spending? Does medical malpractice liability change physicians' practice of medicine and patients' health? Many of these questions are empirical - theory does not provide a simple answer. We will therefore spend significant time discussing the empirical evidence and research methods used to examine these and other important questions in health law and policy.

Evaluation Method

Attendance (10%), class participation (20%), and reaction papers (70%)

Class Attributes

Business/Corporate transactions an element
Health Care Practice Area in course
Property Practice Area present in course
Tort & Personal Injury Law