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530 Property

550 Torts

  • 1: Torts - Ezra Friedman - Mon, Tues, Wed 8:45AM - 9:40AM
  • 2: Torts - James Speta - Mon, Tues, Wed 8:45AM - 9:40AM
  • 4: Torts - Paul Gowder - Mon, Tues, Wed 10:55AM - 11:50AM

613 Clean Energy

  • 1: Clean Energy - Tetyana Rabczak - Carrie Zalewski - Sarah Fernandez - Tues 4:30PM - 6:20PM

614 Structuring Transactions: Environmental Law

618 Natural Resources

648 Law and the Creative Industries

650 Intellectual Property

653 Trademarks and Deceptive Advertising

660 International Environmental Law

670 Healthcare Policy Seminar