Strategic Communications (306-0-20)
Dr. Rafael O. Matos
Danielle Robinson Bell
Meeting Info
McCormick Foundation Ctr 3107: Thurs 12:00PM - 2:50PM
Overview of class
Emphasizes the development and execution of communications strategies and relationship building with numerous stakeholders including employees, the news media, government, investors and the general public. Covers traditional print and broadcast media as well as contemporary communication channels including blogs, social media platforms and emerging technologies. Students perform several exercises in written communications. Prerequisites: for non-Medill students: IMC 303 and admission to the IMC Certificate Program; for Medill students: JOUR 301.
Registration Requirements
Class Materials (Required)
• Writing for Strategic Communication Industries by Jasmine Roberts. (Roberts). This text can be accessed and downloaded for free.
• Additional required content (no cost) will be shared in Canvas.
Class Materials (Suggested)
• The Business Writer's Handbook, by Alred, Brusaw, Oliu, recent edition (print or online).
• The AP Stylebook, recent edition (print or online).
• Additional recommended content (no cost) will be shared in Canvas.
Class Attributes
SDG Innovation & Infrastructure
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Registration is reserved for students who have completed IMC 303-0, JOUR 301-0, JOUR 301-1 or JOUR 384-0.