Consumer Insight (400-0-20)
Michelle Weinberger
Meeting Info
McCormick Foundation Ctr Forum: Tues 9:00AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
Consumer Insight is a foundational course for developing a consumer-centric, IMC perspective. Through the course, you learn foundational knowledge of academic frameworks to deeply understand people's goals, what they value, what they do, and the meanings behind those values and activities. This will allow you to better understand people as consumers, audiences, and stakeholders.
To do this, in IMC 400 you will learn key cultural, anthropological, sociological, and psychological concepts for understanding people. These include topics like value, culture, meaning, identity, family life stages, rituals, consumer journeys, and decision making. You will also learn the logics behind and the processes involved in conducting cultural research like ethnography, depth interviewing, and qualitative data analysis. You will gain introductory experience doing an interview and cultural analysis.
The course uses a mix of learning approaches including readings, videos, in person and video lectures, class discussions, a case, and team projects for peer learning.
Knowledge from this course is essential for key strategic tasks necessary in advanced IMC classes across the program and in industry, including environmental analyses, marketing research, insight generation, product positioning, branding, segmentation, and the implementation of resonant, integrated, and effective communications strategies.
Registration Requirements
registration by department consent
Class Materials (Required)
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Registration is reserved for IMC Full-Time Students only.
Add Consent: Department Consent Required
Associated Classes
DIS - McCormick Foundation Ctr 3119: Thurs 9:00AM - 10:50AM
DIS - McCormick Foundation Ctr 3119: Thurs 11:00AM - 12:50PM
DIS - McCormick Foundation Ctr 3119: Thurs 2:00PM - 3:50PM