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Political Sociology (309-0-20)


Omri Tubi
Omri Tubi is a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology. Born and raised in Israel, he recieved a B.A. in sociology and history and an M.A. in sociology before coming to the US for graduate school. He is currently finishing his dissertation on the relationship between public health campaigns and state formation in Palestine and Israel, 1920-1960.

Meeting Info

555 Clark B03: Mon, Wed 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

Political sociology is a field of study that concerns itself with the relationship between state and society and with the study of political power, broadly construed. Political sociologists are interested in myriad topics, ranging from empires and state formation to voter behavior in contemporary US, to how gender and racial identities shape government policies. In this course, students will gain insight into some of the substantive topics political sociologists study as well as the theoretical approaches sociologists utilize to study these topics. In our readings, class discussions, and assignments we will engage with questions such as: How and why do social movements emerge when are they successful in achieving their goals? Why were lockdowns used a measure against COVID-19? What are the causes of state-formation and revolution? And how much power do "the elites" really have? Lastly, we will look at various cases that demonstrate the issues we discuss in class and apply the analytical tools and knowledge we acquire during the course to contemporary issues.

Teaching Method

Lecture and discussion

Evaluation Method

Take-home exams/papers, class participation, assignments.

Class Materials (Required)

All materials for this course will be made available on Canvas.

We will read book excerpts, articles etc. which will be made available on Canvas.

Class Attributes

Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area