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Special Topics (591-0-20)


Investor Relations: From Wall Street to Board Room


Nancy Hobor

Meeting Info

Meets in Non-General PurposeRm: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 8:00AM - 6:00PM

Overview of class

Investor Relations will help you build a good understanding of the role of the investor and why this stakeholder is so important to corporations irrespective of whether they are a blue chip, mid cap, small cap or start-up company thinking about going public. In this course, you will learn how financial markets work and what companies do to access these markets. This class will not only help build your business and financial acumen but you will understand the way the C-suite thinks and hence, be more strategic in dealing with senior executive leadership.

Class Attributes

Synchronous:Class meets remotely at scheduled time

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: IMC Professional Students Only
Add Consent: Department Consent Required