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Ancient and Medieval Political Thought (461-0-20)


Susan Sara Monoson-Berns
Office Hours:

Meeting Info

Scott Hall 201 Ripton Room: Thurs 9:00AM - 11:50AM

Overview of class

This term will focus on the founding myth of both political theory and philosophy, the trial of Socrates. Students will examine the full range of evidence from antiquity (literary and material), examine closely Plato's portrait across multiple dialogues read in historical context, consider select philosophical issues that arise in those texts, and observe some adaptations of this material by creative artists in a variety of fields. Along the way, we will consider whether this episode can continue to anchor investigations of what critical intellectual enterprises entail once we are alert to diversity. Assignments include readings in translation, investigation of sources, analyses of arguments, presentations and writing assignments. Our class discussions will not assume knowledge of Greek but there will be room for students to use that skill in their assignments if they so choose.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Reserved for Graduate Students.