Advanced Russian in Conversations (302-3-1)
Natalia Malinina
1880 Campus Dr. (Kresge) Office 3225
Office Hours: Tuesdays 10:00-11:30 and by appointment
Meeting Info
University Library 5722: Mon, Wed, Fri 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Overview of class
Russian 302-3 is the third part in a three-quarter sequence that is taught in Russian and designed to lead students to more advanced levels through a wide range of settings and topics related to various aspects of contemporary life in Russia, USA, and across the globe. This combined third- and fourth-year multi-skill course is focused on communication, cultural understanding, and comparisons of Russian and American culture and language. Emphasis will be placed on developing discussion and conversational skills. The course includes advanced topics on grammar, discussion of one of the most popular Russian movies (The Dawns Here Are Quiet), and readings from Russian newspapers and classic Russian poets.
Class Attributes
Advanced Expression