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First-Year Writing Seminar (101-8-21)


The Politics of Antisemitism and Zionism


Jeff Rice
1908 Sheridan

Meeting Info

Scott Hall 107 Burdick Room: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

This is a class on the history and politics of antisemitism in modern Europe and the United States and how this phenomenon co-articulates with the rise of Zionism as a nationalist movement in the 19th century. This is a class on the rise of an idea and the movement which sought to implement it. And the relationship of this movement to religion, culture, global politics, and the existence of a pre-existing population. While this is not explicitly a course on the current situation in the Middle East (though obviously these are intimately related), it is an effort to provide a rigorous analysis of the political background for a very complicated and often violent conflict.

Learning Objectives

The goal is to learn two parallel political phenomenon and how they come together in the wake of the Second World War (and the worst moment of antisemitism in world history) into the formation of Israel and the multiple ramifications for several populations. To achieve this requires careful reading and dispassionate analysis while juggling multiple ideologies such as nationalism, sense of belong to the land (rootedness) and how to write compelling essays in which students can form their own arguments.

Teaching Method


Evaluation Method

Three essays, each worth 25% with the possibility of rewriting and class participation (also worth 25%)

Class Materials (Required)

Derek Pevlar: "Zionism". Rutgers University Press. 09780-813576121.
Stephen Beller: Antisemitism: A Very Short Introduction" Oxford University Press, 978-0198724834.
Rashid Khalidi, "100 Year War on Palestine" and
essays/Chapters by Geofrey Levin, Joshua Leifer, Avi Shlaim, Don Peretz and Fayez Sayegh.

Class Attributes

WCAS Writing Seminar

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Weinberg First Year Seminars are only available to first-year students.