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Many-Body Theory (432-2-1)


Venkat Chandrasekhar
Technological Institute Building (2145 Sheridan Road), Room F-125, Evanston

Meeting Info

Technological Institute LG62: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

This is the second quarter of a two-quarter sequence on non- relativistic quantum field theory with applications in statistical physics and condensed matter physics. The first half of the first quarter was devoted to the development of the Feynman diagram technique, including both zero-temperature and finite-temperature (Matsubara) Green's functions. The second half of the first quarter discussed simple applications relevant to electrons in metals, including the effect of external fields, two-particle interactions, impurity scattering, ensemble averaging and calculations of conductivity.

The second quarter will start with superfluidity in liquid 4He if it was not covered at the end of the first quarter. We will then move on to superconductivity, the development of the nonequilibrium (Keldysh) Green's function technique and the quasiclassical approximation, with specific applications in disordered superconductors.

Registration Requirements

Knowledge of statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics at the first- year graduate level will be assumed (Phys 412-1,2,3 or equivalent). In particular, it is expected that students are familiar with second quantization. Familiarity with topics covered in a graduate course in condensed matter physics would also be useful, but not necessary.

Teaching Method

Two lectures per week

Evaluation Method

Evaluation will be based on weekly homework sets and class participation (10%), or a midterm and final paper, depending on class sentiment: there will be no exams. If assigned, the weekly homework will focus on filling out some of the details of calculations not covered in the lectures, as well as additional problems that may draw on primary sources (i.e., published literature).

Class Materials (Required)

The course will draw upon many sources, so there is no assigned text.
You might find the following texts useful:

1. Abrikosov, Gorkov and Dzyaloshinski, Methods of Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics.

2. Rickayzen, Green's Functions and Condensed Matter

Both are available as relatively inexpensive paperback editions. Other texts that you might find useful are Landau and Lifshitz SP1, SP2, Physical Kinetics and Quantum Electrodynamics; Kadanoff and Baym, Quantum Statistical Mechanics; Economou, Green's Functions in Quantum Physics and Doniach and Sondheimer, Green's Functions for Solid State Physicists.