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Relativistic Quantum Field Theory (428-3-1)


John Joseph Carrasco

Meeting Info

Technological Institute LG62: Mon, Wed 9:30AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Dirac Equation, canonical Second-Quantization of free Fields (Spin 0, 1/2, 1), Perturbation Theory, Quantum Electrodynamics, Renormalization and Regularization, Nonabelian Gauge Theories, Quantum Chromodynamics, Spontaneuos Symmetry Breaking, The Higgs mechanism, the Standard Model for Strong and Electroweak Interactions, Physics beyond the Standard Model, Grand Unified Theories.

Other topics which may be covered depending on the students and the instructor include path integral quantization, the renormalization group, phase transitions, exactly solvable field theoretical systems, topological objects (kinks, strings monopoles, instantons, etc).

In particular, the focus of this third quarter will be on:
- Vector fields, gauge symmetry, quantization, interactions with fermions and scalars, loops.
- Spontaneous symmetry breaking (global and gauge), anomalies, chiral Lagrangian, Standard Model.
- Time permitting, other topics (duality between color and kinematics, double-copy, strong CP problem, axions, non-perturbative solutions-- instantons etc.)

Registration Requirements

PHYSICS 412-1,2,3 or permission of instructor.
PHYSICS 428-1, and 428-2.

Class Materials (Required)

No Required texbook.

Class Materials (Suggested)

"An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory"
M.E. Peskin and D.V. Schroeder

Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model by-M. Schwartz, Cambridge University Press, ISBN:978-1107034730

"Quantum Field Theory"
Mark Srednicki
ISBN-13: 978-0521864497
ISBN-10: 9780521864497