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Electrodynamics (414-2-1)


Timothy Light Kovachy

Meeting Info

Technological Institute M128: Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00AM - 9:50AM

Overview of class

A continuation of the graduate course in electrodynamics. Electromagnetic waves, optics, propagation of laser beams, diffraction and interference phenomena. Electromagnetic fields in and around dielectric and magnetic materials. Propagation of electromagnetic waves in different dielectric and metallic media. Radiation and scattering, including relativistic radiation.

Learning Objectives

Learn key principles of electromagnetism and make connections to modern research

Evaluation Method

Problem sets and final project

Class Materials (Required)

Classical Electromagnetism in a Nutshell by Anupam Garg ISBN-13: 978-0691130187 Previous Editions: No
Online/eBook available: Yes
Price Range: $40.00- $100.00
Other Purchases: None

Associated Classes

DIS - Technological Institute M164: Thurs 4:00PM - 5:50PM