First-Year Writing Seminar (101-8-1)
American Outlaw: Writings about Living and Being O
Jesse Yeh
620 Lincoln Street
Jesse Yeh (he /they)
I am an Assistant Professor of Instruction at the Center for Legal Studies. I am a political sociologist with a focus on race and immigration, law and crime, gender and sexuality, and movements and politics. My current book project Crime Is Other People: Punitive Consciousness and the Racial Politics of Law-and-Order explores how liberal and conservative activists make sense of law-and-order politics. I teach courses on research methods, immigration, and race, law, and politics.
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall G28: Mon, Wed 12:30PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
Law is everywhere in our daily lives, even when it's invisible to many of us. What does it mean for a person when their most salient identity is that they are against the law, outside the law, or illegible under the law? How does it structure how they live their lives? Who gets to tell their stories? In this course, we examine personal and social scientific writings of three groups: over-policed Black Americans, undocumented immigrants, and transgender children. Through these writings, we will explore the relationships between law and stigma, surveillance, and recognition. The primary objective for this first-year seminar is to develop your ability to produce evidence-supported and effectively-organized academic writing. The main components of this course will be writing assignments and essays.
Class Attributes
WCAS Writing Seminar
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Weinberg First Year Seminars are only available to first-year students.