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Introducing Poetry (273-0-20)


Introducing Poetry in French


Christopher John Davis
1860 Campus Drive Crowe Hall #2-140

Meeting Info

Locy Hall 109: Mon, Wed 9:30AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

Introduction to Poetry in French

This class provides an overview of lyric poetry in French from the Middle Ages to the present. The course will examine the major authors and movements in Francophone poetry, including the medieval troubadours, the Renaissance Pléiade, Romanticism, Symbolism, Surrealism, and Négritude. In addition to close reading and analysis, students will also learn the fundamentals of French verse, meter, and metrical forms. All readings, assignments, and class discussion will be in French.

Class Attributes

Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must have completed FRENCH 210-0 or FRENCH 211-0. Other students may register with instructor permission.