Reading Literatures in French (210-0-20)
Les Formes Du Mal
Cynthia Nyree Nazarian
1860 S. Campus Drive, Crowe Hall #2-137
Meeting Info
Kresge Centennial Hall 2-335: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
Reading Literatures in French: Les Formes du mal
This course will explore representations of "le mal" in French literature from the Middle Ages to the present. The word "mal", in its complexity and breadth, can signify evil, wrong, damage, pain, disease, angst, etc. Looking across multiple literary genres including poetry, prose, drama, and the graphic novel, we will discuss the origins of evils and ills, their moral boundaries as well as the multiple forms of their representation. How can bad or frightening characters by appealing? What is the function of pain or illness in the moral, social, and political perspectives that literary texts propose? How does gender shape the portrayal of evil in fiction? This course will focus on close reading and the development of critical writing skills. All lectures and readings will be in French.
Class Materials (Required)
Cazotte, Le Diable amoureux. Paris: Garnier Flammarion, 1993. ISBN : 978-2080703613
Camus, La Peste. Paris: Gallimard Folio, 1972. ISBN: 978-2070360420
Genet, Les Bonnes. Paris: Folio, 1976. ISBN : 978-2070370603
Course packet.
Class Attributes
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must have completed FRENCH 202-0 or a test score of 5 in AP French. Other students may register with instructor permission.