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Applied Econometrics (383-0-20)


Frank Limbrock

Meeting Info

Harris Hall L07: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

Econometrics is about using data to infer relations among economic variables. This course is about how to use data and modern software to build, evaluate, and use models to answer such questions. It thereby lets students apply concepts and strategies from their econometrics coursework to real-world data. The course is taught in a computerized classroom. Each student sits at a computer terminal, which enables us to estimate and diagnose models in class. The course will cover exploratory data analysis, model selection and estimation, as well as interpretation and presentation of results. Students will write a paper describing the analysis of a real data set and the conclusions reached from that analysis.

Registration Requirements

Economics 281 or 381-1; 310-1

Teaching Method

Two 80-minute lectures and a possible weekly discussion section.

Evaluation Method

Problem sets, Proposal and oral presentation of proposal, Paper and oral discussion of paper.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisite: Students must have taken ECON 310-1 or MMSS 211-1 and ECON 281 or ECON 381-1 or MATH 386-1 or IEMS 304 or STAT 350 to successfully enroll in this course.

Associated Classes

DIS - Harris Hall L07: Fri 9:00AM - 9:50AM