Topics in Biology (345-0-2)
Susan Rebecca Strickler
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall G32: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
Genomic data has exploded in recent years, transforming biology and opening opportunities for exciting new questions. To leverage this data, a variety of skills not previously critical to biology are required. This course focuses on the theory and application of genomic technologies that can be applied across the tree of life. Linux command line and programming basics as well as data and code management best practices will be covered. Labs will train students how to use proper techniques with real data to avoid common pitfalls. In-class problems, hack-a-thons, and a final team project will enable students to apply the methods learned to their own questions in genomics. Students from all Colleges are welcome to enroll in the course and it is open to all interested advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
Class Materials (Required)
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 202-0, BIOL_SCI 203-0, and BIOL_SCI 234-0 to register for this course.