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High Energy Astrophysics (451-0-1)


Alexander Dmitrievich Chekhovskoy

Meeting Info

Harris Hall L04: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

This course covers a wide range of topics in modern high-energy astrophysics, focusing on the physics of compact objects and their observational manifestations across the electromagnetic spectrum, from the radio to gamma-ray bands, and through gravitational waves and neutrinos. The course includes a computational component, focusing on the numerical simulations of black hole accretion and outflows.

Registration Requirements

This course is targeted primarily at graduate students with an interest in astrophysics. Motivated undergraduates who have completed the main courses of the physics major curriculum may also take the course, but should consult with the instructor.

Learning Objectives

Problem sets: will be assigned throughout the quarter, every two weeks.
Talk: A 25-min talk (plus 5 minutes of discussion) to be given

Evaluation Method

Grades for the course will be determined as follows:
40% homework assignments
30% talk
30% final exam

Class Materials (Required)

The course will be given from notes and papers. References to current literature (e.g. numbers) will be distributed in class.

Black Holes, White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars (Shapiro and Teukolsky), Wiley (1983) ISBN: 0471873160
Previous editions: Not applicable
Online: Yes, please access here:
Other: None

Class Materials (Suggested)

The following textbook is highly recommended:
Accretion Power in Astrophysics-3rd ed. (Frank, King and Raine), Cambridge Press (2002), ISBN: 0521629578
Previous editions: No
Online: Yes
Other: None

The following books are also useful:
High Energy Astrophysics (Longair), Cambridge University Press (2011) ISBN: 0521756189
Previous editions: No
Online: Yes
Other: None

Radiative Processes in Astrophysics (Rybicki and Lightman), Wiley (1979) ISBN: 0471827592
Previous editions: No
Online: No
Other: None