Astrophysics for ISP (331-0-1)
Allison Strom
Meeting Info
Technological Institute F281: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM
Overview of class
This course provides a survey of contemporary astrophysics at a level appropriate for any student with an interest in science and engineering. Astronomy is a field that has seen rapid development in the last century—and even just the last decade—and is an area where the "textbook is being written every day," thanks to advances in both observational facilities and computer simulations. The course aims to provide a broad understanding of the fundamentals of astrophysics, from the basic properties of stars to the principles of Big Bang cosmology, as well as insight into how astronomy research is conducted today.
Registration Requirements
PHYS 125-1, PHYS 125-2, and PHYS 125-3, or a year of equivalent calculus-based physics
Class Materials (Required)
"Fundamentals of Astrophysics," Stan Owocki