Class Voice for Music Theatre (151-0-21)
Michael Lawrence Brown
Meeting Info
Wirtz Center BERGEN: Tues 1:00PM - 2:50PM
Overview of class
1 110-minute weekly session: Group instruction in vocal musical theatre technique and repertoire. You will sing as a group or individually in every class. The primary course objective is to improve your individual instrument and approach to singing, so that you can more fully express yourself as a singing artist.
Class will consist of a group vocalization, technical exercises, and individual repertoire work. All students will sing warm ups and exercises at the beginning of every class. I will discuss one new aspect of singing technique during these warm ups. We will then have 10-12 minute individual lessons where I will give specific feedback on a roughly one minute cut, as well as hearing feedback from the rest of the class. Solid preparation on your own is a must, as there is not time to learn the music during these sessions.
Teaching Method
Email Michael Lawrence Brown michael[dot]brown1[at] to request a permission number
Class Materials (Required)
Sheet music (printing required)