Class Voice for Music Theatre (151-0-20)
Kelli Nichol Morgan
Meeting Info
Wirtz Center BERGEN: Fri 12:00PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
Class instruction in vocal musical theatre technique and repertoire. You will be guided to moments of self-discovery using diverse teaching and performance literature. We will study vocal technique and performance to demystify key components of healthy vocal production, including sustainable respiration, phonation, and resonance for musical theater voice. The primary course objective is to improve your individual instrument and approach to singing. The emphasis in class will be placed upon strengthening technique, improving confidence for performance, and application of the technique to repertoire. Each class will consist of a new vocal technique concept, a group warm up, and learning a new song together, with the opportunity for solo/individual singing and vocal work. Two individual songs will be assigned and performed during the quarter with 10 minute work sessions during class. One-on-one office hours are offered weekly and scheduled with the instructor.