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Introduction to Theatrical Contexts and Research (160-2-20)


Intro to Jewish Theatre


Noah Benjamin Carter Marcus

Meeting Info

Wirtz 240 Seminar Room 2: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

This course serves as an introduction to Jewish theatre and performance. In it we will examine the history, contexts, aesthetics, and themes which shaped and characterized Jewish theatre and performance from the late 19th century to today. This course will introduce students to key plays, playwrights, actors, directors, and theatre companies in the global history of Jewish theatre. Our survey, much like the movement of Jewish theatre itself, will begin in Europe, before moving to North America, South America, and Israel. At the conclusion of this course, students will have gained a general knowledge of Jewish theatre across time and geographical space, with a focus on its aesthetics as influenced by Jewish identity and cultural practices, specific themes and theatrical forms, and the historical and socio-cultural contexts it was produced in.

This class equips students with critical modes of thinking about theatre as an academic discipline and practice. It features a range of analytical skills and critical approaches for play and performance analysis, incorporating aspects of theatre history, historiography, and performance theory. Through class discussions, readings, study of plays and performances, creative responses, and written assignments students will develop their analytical skills and learn to craft research papers in a guided process.

Registration Requirements

First year Theatre majors only

Class Materials (Required)

$15 for one theatre ticket