Radio/Television/Film Genre (322-0-20)
The Hollywood Musical
Miriam B White
Meeting Info
Helmerich Auditorium: Mon, Wed 1:00PM - 2:50PM
Overview of class
The coming of synchronized sound to the movies in the late 1920s created the possibility for the emergence of a new film genre: the musical. This class will start with the classic musicals of the 1930s: Busby Berklee productions and the films featuring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. It will then transition to the 1940s, and wartime productions; and then transition to the great MGM musicals of the 1950s, and the so-called "roadshow" musicals of the 1960s (i.e. musicals based on popular stage musicals of the era). As we trace our way through the history of the Hollywood musical we will attend to changes linked to historical shifts in American culture, and changing musical styles.
Class Materials (Required)
The primary textbook for this class is: Jane Feuer, The Hollywood Musical, 2nd edition.
The class will include a weekly screening, and then a day devoted to discussion of the film and the readings connected to the film. Most of these will come from the primary textbook; but there may be additional readings which will be available through Canvas.
Class Attributes
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area