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Topics in Interactive Media (376-0-23)


Filmmaking with Emerging Technologies


Ozge Samanci
AMS 213

Meeting Info

Louis Hall 118: Thurs 10:00AM - 12:50PM

Overview of class

This course is designed for filmmakers, artists, engineers, media theorists, and students interested in exploring emerging media through unconventional methods. It is aimed at beginners, and no prior knowledge of game design, electronics, or coding is required. The primary goal is to develop a meta-awareness of how to work with emerging technologies in the context of filmmaking.

Participants will use cutting-edge technologies, such as game design engines (Unity and Unreal), Artificial Intelligence, deepfake techniques, VR tools, 3D scanning, computer coding, and sensors, to create narrative and non-narrative films, as well as music videos. These works will be generated without the physical constraints of traditional film sets, equipment, and crews.

The course will progress through a series of hands-on assignments, readings, screenings, and case studies from games, interactive video, and media arts. Tutorials covering game engines, AI, coding, and VR tools will empower students to apply these technologies to their production work.

Alongside the technical aspects, students will delve into design concepts such as worldbuilding, speculative fiction, hacking, generative media, database art, meta-imagery, and probabilistic imagery.

Participants are welcome to collaborate on their Final Project. No coding experience is necessary.

Learning Objectives

The course will progress through a series of hands-on assignments, readings, screenings, and case studies from games, interactive video, and media arts. Tutorials covering game engines, AI, coding, and VR tools will empower students to apply these technologies to their production work.

Alongside the technical aspects, students will delve into design concepts such as worldbuilding, speculative fiction, hacking, generative media, database art, meta-imagery, and probabilistic imagery.

Participants are welcome to collaborate on their Final Project. No coding experience is necessary.

Associated Classes

LAB - Louis Hall 118: Fri 11:00AM - 11:50AM