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Topics in Performance Studies (330-0-2)


Mary Alice Zimmerman

Meeting Info

Wirtz Center SOUTH: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

In this course, students, along with the instructor, will work towards a stage adaptation of Marjorie Kinnan Rawling's 1938 novel, The Yearling. The novel presents many challenges for adaptation: the natural world plays a prominent role, it has a protagonist who is twelve years old and a central character that is a deer, it is long, episodic and heartbreaking. Class sessions will resemble rehearsals, as we develop scenes and figure out our structure, what to leave in and out, what to compress and what to expand, and how to handle the third-person narrative - in short, how to make an evening of theater out of a novel. Students will lean towards their own strengths: design, directing, acting, puppetry, music composition. The course is developmental and exploratory and may or may not conclude with a public-facing performance. By permission of instructor only, the course is open to upperclassmen and graduates.

Class Attributes

Jrs, Srs, Grad Students Only