Managing Global Teams (528-0-1)
David Andres Bernal
Meeting Info
Frances Searle Building 3417: Sa 2:00PM - 5:00PM
Overview of class
Globalization, information, and technology access have transformed the face of the business world in the last decade. Although multinational organizations continue to increase their influence worldwide, these trends have also transformed and impacted businesses of all sizes, locations, and industries. The speed of change and the instant interactions between cultures have created immense business opportunities. Whole industries have been redefined, (i.e., impact on cost structure by foreign manufacturing, speed of product development, and ability to leverage global resources for almost any business need). These opportunities also create new challenges for today's managers. As Managers, is critical to become more effective leaders in a multicultural and global economy. This course uses an action-oriented approach to develop a good understanding of international management and their practical implications when leading and managing teams.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Only students in the MSC Custom Leadership Program may enroll in this class.