Leading & Leveraging Networks (492-0-2)
Noshir Contractor
Meeting Info
Meets in Non-General PurposeRm: Fri 9:00AM - 11:50AM
Overview of class
Networks play a pivotal role in the success of people and projects within the creative enterprise. Networks shape how we build and manage our careers, leverage entrepreneurship, mobilize for strategic partnerships, assemble dream teams to maximize innovation, optimize implementation, hone marketing strategies, and enhance customer engagement. Developments in the digital realm, especially Generative AI, offer unprecedented opportunities to re-imagine the creative enterprise based on fluid and diverse networks. The ability to design and leverage these networks will differentiate leaders in the creative sector. This course provides you with the concepts, insights, and techniques to give you that competitive edge using a set of case studies, review articles as well as an overview of easy-to-use, but powerful, computer-based visual-analytics.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Only students in the MSC Custom Leadership Program may enroll in this class.