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Medical Aspects of Audiology (406-0-20)


Mary Ann Cheatham

Meeting Info

Frances Searle Building 2378: Mon, Wed 3:30PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

A series of modules on four medical aspects of audiology: embryology, genetics, molecular biology, and pharmacology/ototoxicity. Topics related to both the auditory and vestibular systems are covered within each module.

Registration Requirements

Enrollment in Doctor of Audiology program

Learning Objectives

1. Describe the embryonic development of the human auditory system
2. Explain how changes in embryonic development may affect functional hearing and physical development of auditory structures
3. Describe patterns of genetic inheritance
4. Describe common genetic mutations and aberrations in auditory and vestibular disorders
5. Describe genome wide studies of age related and treatment related ototoxicity
6. Summarize molecular-based treatments (current and potential) for hearing loss and otoprotection
7. Explain the effects of oto- and vestibulotoxic substances on inner ear structures and the functional consequences of these effects
8. Understand pathways to successful drug discovery

Evaluation Method

module examinations (4)

Class Materials (Required)

None. Class materials will be on reserve at the library or made available to students on Canvas.