SoC First Year Seminar: Interdisciplinary Topics in Communication Arts & Sciences (101-0-2)
Navigating Failure: An Adventurer's Guide
Eliza Bent
Catherine Suzanne Carrigan
Meeting Info
Willard Hall B72: Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
In this class, we will study how failure is not only inevitable but a vital aspect of creation, learning, and growing. While some failures can and should be avoided, outsized fear of failure can stymy creativity and innovation. We will examine failure from a place of curiosity and from multivalent interdisciplinary perspectives. How can embracing failure lead to growth? While failure can be painful and downright embarrassing, failing in modes big, bold and beautiful can lead to opportunity, invention and growth. Fail big or go home trying.
Registration Requirements
Restricted to SoC first-years assigned to SQ25.
Learning Objectives
Engage critical thinking skills while exploring the breadth of School of Communication creative and research endeavors. Learning Outcome: Students will identify key factors relevant to navigating failure, differentiate between multiple perspectives and interpretations, and explain how at least two School of Communication disciplines might approach a given topic.
Experiment with research and communication conventions associated with School of Communication disciplines. Learning Outcome: Students will demonstrate their ability to communicate ideas and/or experiences compellingly by using appropriate research tools, soliciting feedback, employing disciplinary conventions, and addressing audience expectations.
Collaborate with peers from different SoC majors to highlight the benefits of interdisciplinary inquiry. Learning Outcome: Students will collaborate with peers across different majors to successfully complete at least one group project and reflect upon the skills employed to accomplish that task.
Class Materials (Required)
Amy Edmondson's Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well ($11)
Additional readings, listening and viewing assignments available online via CANVAS
Internet access, NU email account, required for assignments and class discussion
Class Attributes
SOC First-Year Seminar